About Daniel K. Brantley
While I’ve been writing, researching, interviewing, and editing since 2002, I haven’t always loved working with words. Growing up in Chattanooga, Tennessee, I was passionate about rock and roll, skateboarding, and baseball.
For a long time, I was good with numbers. Algebra was my jam. Not to brag, but in eighth grade at Tyner Middle School, I was asked to help other students who struggled with math. Yeah, I was that good.
That changed in high school.
In eleventh grade, I wasn’t in an advanced math class for the first time in my life. It was the first time I had math class with friends. That year, I spent more time cutting up and less time paying attention to my teacher. (Sorry, Mr. Ibach.)
The next year, I had everyone’s favorite English teacher, Mr. Pettit. This was a gift, as my relationship with math had soured. Mr. Pettit gave me a love for words and literature.
Soon after, I graduated with an English degree from King College (University). After failing as a teacher (sorry, Ridgeland High School students), I landed a copywriting gig at True North Custom Publishing (now True North Custom).
A few years later, I moved to Cleveland, Tennessee, where I write my own books, help others publish theirs, and provide a full suite of writing and editing services.
Now, I offer my experience and expertise to you.
A few clients I’ve served through the years include: