Book Editing
Want your manuscript to shine? You need expert book editing services.
Book Editing for All
You’ve written a great manuscript, read through it a million times, and had some friends check it out. But you want your manuscript as clean as possible. That’s where professional book editing services come in handy.
Whether you’re looking to clean up spelling and grammar issues, want your rhyming picture book to pop, or need to seek and destroy plot holes, I can do it all.
I only work on books I like, and I treat client manuscripts as if they’re my own.
Developmental Editing
The first step in the editing process is developmental editing. This catches big-picture issues, such as plot holes and changes in verb tense.
DIY Book Editing
Want to become a better writer? You’ll need to become a better editor. With my Initial Edits service, I help you do just that.
These are limited book editing services. With Initial Edits, I edit the first 1,000 words of your manuscript. As I edit, I mark all issues I see. I also suggest ways to improve your writing.
Once I’m finished, you have the tools to edit the rest of your book on your own. This is a cost-effective way to grow your skills and boost your confidence.
Children’s Book Editing
Because children’s books are short, every word counts. With high-quality book editing, your picture book, early reader, or middle-grade fiction is ready for the most discerning young readers.
Children’s books up to 1,000 words benefit from Children’s Edits. With this service, I work through your manuscript multiple times, smoothing out rough patches, adding and subtracting where appropriate, and making your book its absolute best.
If you wrote a middle grade or other children’s book longer than 1,000 words, you’ll need full editing services or Initial Edits.
Full Manuscript Editing
Want me to edit your entire manuscript? No problem. Prices for book editing services start at $350 per 10,000 words. The cost depends on how much work your manuscript needs.
For a price quote on editing your manuscript, please fill out the form below.