There are a million reasons to write your life story. But if you plan on anyone reading it, you better make it shine—especially if you hope to find readers outside of your immediate family. Even if your story is thrilling to those who love you best, editing your memoir is essential to make sure others read your book from opening paragraph to final page.
Why Editing Your Memoir Matters
You can draw readers in with a lot of promises. To keep them turning pages, you need to give them story. And that story needs to be as good as the novel with elves and machine guns on the cover.
Editing your memoir tightens up your story so you don’t lose readers. It pulls away distracting elements that weaken your story, allowing your memoir to shine.
While family and friends may love paragraphs and chapters about rising and falling gas prices or how fashion changed through the years, most readers won’t. Unless that matters to your story.
A good editor can identify what your story is and make sure every page serves it.
Of course, this can be hard to swallow. You spent a lot of time writing down words. Why should an editor come along and get rid of them?
Story. Your reader demands it be good!
Who Can Edit My Memoir?
When you find a book you like, the editor did a good job. Great, even. Because they knew the importance of editing memoirs. Seems you do as well.
Fortunately, there are a lot of great editors, and the internet makes them easier to find than ever before. In fact, since you’re here, I suspect you’re considering whether I’m the right editor for your memoir.
So, am I? Maybe.
I love a good memoir, and I love editing a good memoir until it becomes great.
If that’s what you want for your book, let’s talk. There’s no obligation, and if you’re nice, I’ll edit a page or two for free so you can see what to can expect from my memoir editing services.
Contact me to get started.
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