No matter what type of writing you do, you want to get better. Because better writing means more readers. Get more readers, and that means more money in your pocket. So, how do you become a better writer?
Here are few tips to get you started.
Read More
You should spend time every day writing. But you should also get away from the keyboard and read every day. Grab a book from the shelf and get to it. Not sure what book to read? Grab a classic. There’s a reason classics stick around. They have good writing!
However, don’t only read the classics. Find out what books are hot right now and read them. The writing may not be as good as the classics, but hot reads teach you. (Find popular books by checking out the B&N Top 100.)
Reading popular modern books show what readers are into these days. Pay attention to verb tense (Do they use past or present tense?), point of view (Is first person more common?), chapter length, and more.
Don’t just read. Take action to become a better writer! Use the same tense and point of view in your writing. This makes your book familiar to readers, which increases the likelihood that they’ll read your entire book and beg for the next installment.
Become a Better Writer by Taking Time Off
While it may seem counterintuitive, you can become a better writer by stepping away from your manuscript now and then. Though you should write every day, you shouldn’t always work on the same project.
Have at least two or three books in the works at the same time. Or once you get your book written, write some poetry, draft a blog, or write a letter to your state representative. Whatever you do, don’t launch straight into editing your book manuscript.
Instead, get a little distance from your story. Take a couple of weeks or months to not look at your book. Try not to even think about it. Do this after every time you edit your book also. Take some time off to let it sit.
That way, when you return to editing your book, you’ll have fresh eyes. You’ll see mistakes you didn’t notice before. Problems in your book will become clear, and solutions will come to mind.
Hire an Editor
Have a close friend who edits books for a living? Then beg her to edit yours for free. Assuming you don’t have a professional editor for a friend, hire someone.
Some editors charge by the word. Others go with a flat fee. Find someone with talent who can get your book where it needs to go. When you get your book edited, review the edits carefully. By doing this, you learn what mistakes you make. Then you can avoid these mistakes and become a better writer!
Think I’m the editor for you? Fantastic! I provide a variety of book editing services from the comfort of my Cleveland, Tennessee, basement. But I don’t only edit local writers. I’ve edited books, written articles, and created resumes for clients in Chicago, California, Florida, and everywhere between.
For children’s books up to 1,000 words, my Children’s Edits gets your manuscript ready for young readers. With my Initial Edits package, I edit a small section of your book and tell you how to continue editing it on your own. This is a great way to save money and become a better writer. Not concerned with saving money? I’ll edit it all!
Of course, there are a million other editors out there. So do your homework, contact a few you like, and find one who can help polish your manuscript and turn it into something you’ll be proud of forever.
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