Search engine optimization (SEO), content creation, and keyword research—oh my! If these are important to you, then you’ve probably caught wind of, a new tool created to help boost your SEO standings.
Making use of artificial intelligence (AI), Frase does what a good SEO pro does—in a fraction of the time. This doesn’t do away the need for a good SEO person. It just puts them ahead of the curve. 

Instead of spending time researching the right keywords and finding relevant statistics and sources, SEO pros can now spend their time putting together the strongest content to boost SEO scores and get you where you want to be: at the top of the SEO pile.

Does Frase Work?

To answer this question, I have to ask you a question. How did you find this review? Did a Google search bring you here? If the answer to that is yes, then Frase did its job.

How can I say that?

Because this review was written by me, a writer and editor based in Cleveland, Tennessee. And while I may be only thirty minutes away from Gig City (Chattanooga, Tennessee), I’m not one to blog about SEO and keywords. I write about writing and editing and other writerly things.

What’s up with this article? I wanted to see if Frase works. To test it out, I didn’t use a single SEO tool except Frase to build this blog post.

Just How Much Frase Does It Take?

Because I’m not big into reviews, I didn’t do what most reviewers do. I didn’t set up a special landing page (this is just a regular blog entry), push the review on social media, talk with other bloggers about their bounce rate on similar articles, or pile metadata in to help it rank higher.

All I did was use Frase. In particular, I paid attention to the “Topics” tab as I wrote. With this tab, I saw that the top results from a Google search average five mentions of Google Analytics, a couple mentions of anchor text, three mentions of internal links (of which I have none in this blog), and more.

While writing this, I found ways to mention words and phrases that would help make this show up in organic search (that’s another keyword in the “Topics” tab that should boost this post’s lead generation. Granted, I’m not generating any leads for myself, but you get the point. Hopefully.).

Still Piling on Search Terms

The fun part about this Frase experiment is that without putting a single hyperlink in this article, with no marketing strategy, and without the use of social networks, I get to find out whether this search analytics tool does its job. You do, too. (Okay, I put one hyperlink at the end so you can find Frase, but that’s it!)

So does this online marketing tool make sense for you? This is a small case study, but if you found this article, it wasn’t due to an Adwords campaign. And that should tell you something.

This is a benchmark moment. One day I’ll look back and say, “That article is terrible.” Only time will tell whether I’ll I also say, “But it drove traffic to my site.”

Want a piece of the Frase pie? Take heed of this call to action and head to their website and grab it while it’s still on sale. Otherwise, you’ll just keep wasting time trying to figure out what questions your audience has.

Note: The average article of this type is 3,014 words long. Mine is about one-sixth that long. Additionally, my article has a 44% score on topic use compared to other Frase reviews, and the average score for other articles is 29.2%.