How Much Does a Book Editor Charge?

To improve your book manuscript, you need professional editing. But like most people, you don’t have endless cash. So you need to know what to expect. How much does a book editor charge? The answer depends on a few things. How Much Work Does Your Book Need? If...

Be Your Own Children’s Book Editor

A lot of people think it’s easy to write a picture book or early reader. If you’ve written either, you know that’s not true. Sure, there are fewer words, but because of that, every word counts. To make sure you get the biggest bang for your buck, you...

Do You Need a Cover Letter?

You need a cover letter that shows you in a light that your resume does not. When you go looking for a job, you have to have a solid resume. But do you need a cover letter? Not always. Not sure whether to include one with your resume? According to Finances Online,...

How to Become a Better Writer

No matter what type of writing you do, you want to get better. Because better writing means more readers. Get more readers, and that means more money in your pocket. So, how do you become a better writer? Here are few tips to get you started. Read More You should...

A Shorter Book Is a Better Book

Many writers think a bigger book makes a bigger splash. However, you’re not like many writers. You know that a shorter book is a better book. Not convinced just yet? Maybe this will help. Why Shorter Is Better A century ago, readers had a longer attention span....